LONG BEACH, CALIF., November 8th, 2022 JVC Mobile Entertainment (www.us.jvc.com/car) in conjunction with the Elite Distributor Alliance (EDA) held its 1st-ever “Hot Shots” sales training seminar October 21st-23rd at the Hilton Doubletree Conference Center in Downtown Orlando. Attendees were greeted by JVC staff, Jim Warren (Elite Distributor Alliance), Matt Yerger (iDatalink), plus special guests Dean Beyett & Fernando Lopez (5 Star).
Early Saturday morning after a catered breakfast buffet, attendees experienced a full-product presentation by JVC Product Specialists Josh Bowen and Marcus Vasconcellos, followed up by iDatalink’s Yerger focussing on JVC’s exclusive iDatalink Maestro features along with what’s new and coming soon. During the afternoon, attendees encountered the full JVC culture with interactive product demonstrations, motorsport amplifier selling techniques by the 5 Star duo, a behind-the-scenes look at upcoming products, and a round table discussion with JVC product development personnel.
But the fun didn’t stop there. After dinner, the surprise entertainment was about to begin. Attendees walked through the doors in suspense to upbeat music, only to witness several chairs set up in front of the stage. A few minutes later, “The Incredible Hypnotist” Richard Barker appeared and the audience went wild. The next hour was described by guests as one of the most hilarious and memorable experiences of a lifetime.
Upon conclusion of the evening entertainment, guests were invited to Bowen’s Tacoma to experience the power of the DSP in JVC’s KW-Z1000W’s 10.1” floating panel receiver. Sometimes, dealers may neglect to properly tune an installed audio system, thinking the investment in a Real-Time Analyzer (RTA) and other equipment is cost-prohibitive. This theory was disproved through JVC and 5 Star’s simple and cost-effective demonstrable solution. Guests were also seated in the truck to experience the receiver’s impressive time alignment, parametric EQ, and staging capabilities. “This was a great way to demonstrate the power of the DSP technology inside of the receiver,” stated Jason McArty, Account Manager at DOW Technologies. “It has empowered me to better understand audio tuning and given me the confidence to better explain this to my dealers.”
On Sunday, Warren shared how JVC is committed to “aligning with its innovators” to provide greater “stability and growth” to its members. Steve Cote (JVC Eastern Regional Sales Manager), then shared his “Hot Shot” selling techniques, followed up by Trout driving home the entire 3-day experience with conviction.
“The journey embarked upon was unprecedented,” stated Ron Trout, JVC Director of Sales. “The combined level of knowledge and expertise by our hosts in conjunction with the commitment and aptitude of our salesperson attendees was truly remarkable.” Guests were polled and provided overwhelmingly positive feedback, proclaiming it “A GRAND SLAM,” along with the inevitable question, “when will there be a Hot Shots Part Deux?”
For more information on JVC Mobile Entertainment, visit http://www.us.jvc.com/car.
About JVCKENWOOD USA Corporation JVCKENWOOD USA Corporation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of JVCKENWOOD Corporation and is a leading developer of car entertainment products for the consumer market, two-way radio communications systems for public safety, private industry, and amateur users, and video equipment for the broadcast and professional markets. For detailed information, call JVCKENWOOD USA at 1-800-252-5722 or visit us at http://us.jvckenwood.com and www.us.jvc.com/car.